Count the number of unique responses to "Select All" Questions
- data
A data frame, typically from a Qualtrics Survey, where responses to 'select all' questions are provided in consecutive columns prefixed with the question number and underscore, with a number corresponding to each response option.
- group_var
Column name for aggregrating variable of interest if the results should the results be grouped by another variable.
- column_prefix
Question number and underscore
test_df <-
~Q4, ~Q15_1, ~Q15_2, ~Q15_3, ~Q15_4,
"Community", NA, NA, NA, NA,
"Academic", NA, "TREKS", NA, NA,
"Academic", NA, NA, "Lipps Fellowship", NA,
"Community", "STARS", NA, NA, "Campbell Fellows",
"Academic", "STARS", NA, NA, "Campbell Fellows",
"Community", NA, "TREKS", NA, NA
) |>
dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), as.factor)
data = test_df,
group_var = Q4,
column_prefix = "Q15"
#> Error in list2(...): object 'Q4' not found